Our Highest Level of Protection for Business and Ecommerce

Protect your website, gain complete firewall control, and meet PCI compliance with ease

Enterprise Solution Features In-Depth

Malware Scanning and Detection

Trust Seal
SiteLock Trust Seals are displayed on websites that are secure and malware-free to ensure a safe user experience. These badges have been proven to increase ROI and conversion rates.
Domain Name Verification
Verifies domain ownership via file upload or DNS TXT record
SSL Scan
Verifies if an SSL Certificate, an important layer in web encryption, is installed and active on domain.
Malware Scan
Scans websites from the user’s point of view (outside-in) to catch signs of malware and links before search engines do and potentially could harm or damage the user’s website.
Spam Scan
Scans a website’s IP and domain against leading email blacklists and spam databases to check if it’s listed as a spammer helping to ensure email deliverability.
SQL Injection Scan
Scan penetrates a site with SQL injection methods to find vulnerabilities preventing data leakage to hackers.
Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Scan
SiteLock checks for vulnerabilities that inject malicious script intended to steal visitor data or trick visitors into providing data to third parties.
SiteLock Risk Score
By leveraging 500 different variables across three key categories (number of page, type of CMS, amount of visitors) Sitelock provides a risk assessment of high, medium, or low to help you understand where you are vulnerable and the options available to lower your risk score.
Platform Scan
Checks common CMS website applications to verify they are up-to-date and free from vulnerabilities.
SMART (Secure Malware Alert & Removal Tool) Scan performs an inside -out malware scanner to detect malicious code embedded in your server. Works in conjunction with outside-in scanner for a complete threat analysis of your website.
Scans your database for malware, spam, and more. Application-specific scanning for WordPress is available.
Modify SMART Settings
Customer can modify SMART settings on the dashboard.
SMART Patch - Warn
Instantly receive a notification via email of any vulnerabilities found by our comprehensive scans
SMART Patch - Fix
Not only will we scan compatible CMS applications for existing and potential vulnerabilities but we will also patch, fix and remove found threats.


Advanced Caching
Our TrueShield Content Delivery Network (CDN) caches dynamic content by analyzing real traffic trends, website content and usage patterns, and by determining which content can be cached (duplicated and stored) and reused.
Bad Bot Blocking
Using bot behavioral analysis and IP reputation SiteLock differentiates between legitimate website visitors and automated malicious visitors and only allows safe traffic access to the site.
Backdoor Protect
Identifies backdoor files and blocks an attacker’s access to them preventing them from inserting malicious scripts and giving control back to you.
OWASP 10 Prevention
Protects against the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) regularly-updated list of ten most critical risks for your website.
Custom WAF Rules via Ticket
Customize your firewall configurations to fine tune site traffic via ticket request through our SiteLock security experts.
Custom WAF Rules Self Serve
Customize your firewall configurations to fine tune site traffic via ticket request on your own via easy to use dashboard.
Firewall PCI Report
Provides WAF activity for PCI submissions.
TrueReview Reporting
Weekly report emailed detailing traffic activity such as attacks blocked, usage and performance patterns within your firewall and CDN solutions.
Add a layer pf protection with two factor authentication via SMS on specific pages for your firewall.
WAF Network SSL Support
Add a layer pf protection with two factor authentication via SMS/email on specific pages for your SSL.
WAF 2FA - Email
Add a layer pf protection with two factor authentication via email on specific pages for your firewall.
DDoS Protection
SiteLock DDoS protection identifies and mitigates up to 1Gbps of DDoS attacks (Layer 3,4) that exploit applications, web servers, DNS server vulnerabilities, hit-and-run attacks, and large botnet threats.
Common product name for the WAF and the CDN.
WAF Custom DV SSL Support
Customers for most WAFs can upload their SSL certificate to the WAF via the dashboard. The site certificate is presented to the client, but the WAF SSL does all encryption. Uses SNI.

Backup & Storage

Backup Storage
Files are backed up in our secure Sitelock servers
Backup Files
Backup your web files on demand or on a scheduled basis and ensure maximum uptime even when an unexpected disaster happens.
Backup Database
Backup customer site MySQL database and ensure customer data is secure.

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